Friday, August 29, 2008

For the TA's

I commented in the Technical Discussion section of the Discussion board. I tried to give an answer to Joyce's question. Not sure if I assisted or not but should be good for the 1%.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Reading Thoughts and Muddiest Point (Week 1)

To start off, here is my MUDDIEST POINT: First and foremost is the deadlines for readings and assignments. To my understanding the assignments have to be done by class start on Tuesday, which includes the reading thoughts. The due date is 9/2. The readings however I think have to be read by Friday, and as stated in class commented on by then as well?? Therefore do we have two separate due dates for the same assignment/discussion/thought????

Reading Thoughts: The articles make valid points for both the information technology industry as well as how libraries are adapting to them. The truth is, if libraries do not adapt with the times, they will obviously become (I believe) obsolete. Our libraries here at Pitt have done an exceptional job of making almost all of their material available online to us. Through all of this though, It still brings me to the thought of Who is actually going, physically, into the libraries now?? I know I do not. Not saying that is good or bad. I know some people do just for the sheer love of reading and books, but when it comes right down to it, if I can do something from the comfort of the web or with my available technology, that is more and more how it is done. I believe even as libraries change and adapt to provide the technology in house, students/people have the same opportunity outside of the library walls.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My 2600 Blog

My Intro to IT Blog is up and running. I think.