Thursday, October 23, 2008

Muddiest Point, Readings, and Comment (All in 1 Post)

Muddiest point (Week 8):

I don’t understand why we would want or need to use the meta tag in the header. We say that the data is not displayed on the screen for people to see so why even put it in there?? I understand the machines can read it but how is that going to benefit anything?

Thoughts on Readings for week 9:

Ok, I’ll start out by saying that I am very unfamiliar to XML before and after reading these passages. I guess you can say I know more after than before but wouldn’t want to proclaim myself as a pro. From the readings I seem to gather that XML is closely related to HTML judging by the snippets of code that have been provided on the sites. It does seem however that XML would be more proactive, meaning that it knows that coders and users will make mistakes and it helps correct or flag those mistakes. I think it is also very important and a great feature that it helps documents be compatible across platforms and any other variables that may be different from system to system. That being said, it seems that XML would be the way to go for a serious developer or user, even though it seems a bit more complicated to learn and use compared to the HTML language.

For Zhen: Comment for week 9:

Zhen, I commented on Peter’s blog regarding HTML. See this here…

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Muddiest Point, Readings, and Comment (All in 1 Post)

Muddiest point (Week 7):

In the slides we show that the web is growing at 25% per month. That absolutely astounds me thinking about how big the “internet” can really be. Which brings me to my question/statement, Is there a limit on this thing we call the web? Is there a point that we can get to and be like, ok, that’s it we can’t grow anymore? It kind of boggles your mind if you think about it, will it ever stop?

Thoughts on Readings for week 8:

After this weeks readings and noticing our last assignment, I am pretty excited in thinking that we get to design our own web page. I learned very minimal HTML like four years ago in my freshman year here at PITT. It was really neat to me, and actually fun to do for school. As I went through the HTML cheat sheet, I want to let anyone know that reads this to keep that handy. I’m not sure what our assignment will consist of but I think without a doubt that will be your best asset to get it completed. One thing I do remember however is that it is kind of difficult to program HTML and make it look smooth and professional. The layouts need to be chosen, buttons moved, pictures and what not so keep that in mind while working with it. Another thing people may not know is that you if you go to any website and click view at the top, and then click on “view source”, you can see the HTML layout for that particular web page. A lot of times it is very confusing because most websites are so elaborate but none the less, that is the code.

For Zhen: Comment for week 8:

Zhen, I commented on Jake’s Blog regarding the Homework that is due tomorrow. See it here…

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Muddiest Point, Readings, and Comment all in 1 post.

Muddiest point (Week 6):

My muddiest point for this week concerns Homework 4 which is due on Tuesday, October 7. I think I understand that our video is recorded by Jing on our desktop or any piece of software that we choose. My question is to whether our instructional video needs to have audio (i.e. us talking/instructing), or if that is an optional feature.

Thoughts on Readings for week 7:

My main interest was on the internet article from That website is extremely useful, not just in IT related material but if you need tips on how to do/how anything works. With myself being a Computer Engineer and loving to take IS classes, I didn’t need the website to tell me how totally awesome the internet is. After reading Digital Divide articles for the last homework, it’s so amazing at the gap in knowledge from person to persona bout things like the internet. It’s hard when you think about it, to comprehend how a piece of information can go from your fingertips to someone’s eyes half way around the world in a matter of mere seconds. For anyone that thinks the internet is just a fad and they don’t need to learn it (older generations), one statistic just needs to be shown to understand the size of the net. That is that we are currently using IPv4 IP addresses which can account for say a little over 4.2 BILLION different addresses! Now the kicker, We may be at some point going to run out!!! That is why we the IPv6 has been created to be its successor. Its address space is enormous that would provide us with ten billion billion billion times as many addresses as IPv4!! The internet my friends, is mind boggling.

For Zhen: Comment for week 7:

I commented on Nicole Plana’s topic of RFID technology as well as the other posts there. This is in the General Discussions section of the Discussion Board.