Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Thoughts on the Readings for Week 3

The readings on the operatings systems Windows, Mac, and Linux are pretty interesting. I will start by saying that I am a PC user, always have been, probably always will be. I do not believe that a PC is better than a Mac, or vice versa, or any other operating system for that matter. Thats just what I've always used and am fluent at using it. I absolutely hate sitting down at a Mac or a Red Hat machine on campus because to be honest, I don't know what I'm doing and it takes me forever to accomplish anything. This is what I believe is most people's train of thought. Thus, I don't think that Microsoft's Windows will go away anytime in the near future. It may be replaced by Mac OS at some point as the generations grow up and pass on. However, I do not see, Linux in our Case, making any progress in peoples day to day lives. The user friendliness of the OS just isn't there as in its counterparts. I have come to realize that most people don't like drastic changes.

Anyway, this is just my opinion and what I was thinking when I read these articles. Feel free to disagree because I know there are many many people out there who do. I am just one person that Windows has hooked for life.

1 comment:

JPM73 said...


I agree that I don't think Windows is going away anytime soon.

Just about everyone recognizes the Windows logo, it is standard on just about every PC and the fact that I have had a foot-hold in the market for years and were unchallenged as allowed them to build up a sizable lead on everyone else.

I think Linux could challenge one-day if they made some changes. Like making it more user friendly, gearing it towards more of the home PC market, and for lack of a better term...get their name out there...advertise. Who wouldn't want a operatng system that was free as opposed to having to put up with Windows forever?